Friday 21 June 2013

Royal Babies

My forthcoming book ‘Royal Babies, a History 1066-2013,’ will be published to tie-in with the impending birth of the new royal baby in July 2013.
The expectant royal parents

 Babies are born every day, but only once or twice in a lifetime, a child arrives who will inherit the throne. This summer, the Duchess of Cambridge will deliver our future monarch. There will be predictions, expectations and a flurry of media attention around the new parents but apart from the flashing cameras and internet headlines, this is nothing new. Royal babies have excited interest since before their births, for more than a millennium.
                                                   Edward V born in 1470 in sanctuary

When a queen or princess conceived, the direction of a dynasty was being defined and the health and survival of the child would shape British history. Amy Licence explores the stories of some of these royal babies and the unusual circumstances of their arrivals from the Normans to the twenty-first century. 1470 saw the arrival of Edward, a longed-for son after three daughters, born in sanctuary to Edward IV and his beautiful but unpopular wife, Elizabeth Wydeville (The White Queen); he was briefly King Edward V at the age of twelve, but would disappear from history as the elder of the two Princes in the Tower. In 1511, amid lavish celebrations, Catherine of Aragon gave birth to the future Henry IX, whose survival would perhaps have kept Henry from having five more wives; alas, he was to die after just seven weeks. In 1817 came George, the stillborn son of Charlotte, Princess of Wales; had she not died as a result of the birth, she would have become queen instead of Victoria. 
                                    James VI and 1 born to Mary Queen of Scots in 1566

This new book explores the importance and the circumstances of these and many other arrivals, returning many long-forgotten royal babies to the history books.

Available to pre-order on Amazon here:
or for free worldwide postage and packing, pre-order at the Book Depository here:
Plus a link to Dhruti Shah's Royal Babies piece, which quotes me:
The Black Prince, born in 1330 but fated never to rule


  1. Hi Amy! Found your blog whilst following up some research after watching The White Queen! How are you. Great to see you are still in Canterbury. I went back to London after Masters and have been bk living ten mins from Canterbury for 8yrs. (Looks like we've both been writing for Stroud publishing enterprises!) Let me know if your'e free to catch up sone time! Would love to see you again. Love, Sarah (Hopper)x

  2. Hello Sarah, how lovely to hear from you. Hope all is well- your web page looks great. I trained as a teacher after the MA and am now writing as I'm at home with two little boys. I'm doing a book signing at Waterstones (Rose Lane- the new one)on July 11, 6pm if you're free. Would be lovely to see you again x

  3. Really glad your'e well. I'm in London on 11th ! (and seeing a ballet in the evening), otherwise I'd definitely have come to see you! I hope it goes well. Would you like to meet another day, for a cup of tea or something? Happy to visit you at home if that's easiest. My email address is on my work website if you prefer (or mobile) rather than through your blog. Hope we can arrange something. Would be lovely to see you again too. (Weirdly, I was thinking about both you and Anne only a few weeks ago!) X
